Metal!!!!! Its Wasted Lemur. This map has been such a success around the Xbox Live Community and here at Forgehub, not one person has said that...
hey nuvnuv123 i am up to help you out i just finished a map with my buddy itzxthemetal ( released this weekend sometime on foundry, interloxks,...
this map is great fun i enjoyed playing it in custom games, there are only 2 things i will suggest, cut back on like 2 of every weapon and take...
i really wasnt a fan but you have much more potential now that i think so keep the maps coming!
you such amazing cleanliness, but soooooo much more potential. I think if tou could remake something like mlg regicide but with more twidst and...
this map i will not lie is amazingly fun!
ok job i personally think you should put your interlocking to a better use though, you rinterlocking wasnt very well seen in the curve but3.5 out...
i actuall really liked it great job usually the mlg map section sucks
ok, who agrees that almost none of the exception of requiem, that all these mlg maps are really bad.
this map sucks. and dont go around dissing other peoles maps when you cant forge for ****, learn to forge first of all, second the maps i have...
Mt Gamertag is Wasted Lemur would like to help me kind of get going on th emlg map i have an idea that will take at least an hour.
Great map but there are a few things wrong with it. Like the Sniper Rifles and Rockets should be more spaced out someone could easily get both in...
he flee4me or whatever it is im a very experienced forger and i am great at weapons and everything you needed help on my gt is wasted lemur ill e...
pretty good it lacks something i cant explain you have my download though
alrighty, you arent the best at mlg maps you seem to not care if something is straight or not i noticed this incident in this map, and what really...
you would think that with such a name as blamtacular t would be ****, i guessed wrong here i give it a 7.5 out of 10
this is is a disgrace to mlg sorry
Ok i teach how to forge perfectly and i see that even a lower ranked forger(no offense) has an interest in mlg maps, i can show you everything for...
Ermmm not great but good
i personally think you need a lot of work i played and there is no offense a shitload of badly interlocked boxes and lots of bumps along the way.