Hello, I'm new to ForgeHub. I'm trying to make a CTF map that also supports the Infection Gametype trait of respawning as a zombie when killed by...
Because I deleted everything when I started the map, not realizing those items didn't effect the item limit. The I made a map and I'm now hitting...
hmmmm I'm trying to figure out how to get pics up so I can show you guys the map. I see what you mean, but my map is a little different and more...
I'm wondering if it would work. I screwed up on my Sandbox map which I put a lot of work into, and now can have only 16 spawns without deleting...
Damn. Wish I had known about that. So I'm guessing my map is all for nothing then?
I've been working on a map since monday which I've put well over 15 hours into. The untested version is completely finished aside from spawn...
I just made an account to say this map looks as thouhg it plays extremely well. I'll definitely be giving it a spin later.