Too bland... As much as I love aircrafts, Reach does not have the best dogfights... And 2 teamed air combat is kinda boring.. You should try...
A thing about the game is it should be nothing but the transport hornets fighting each other. Any suggestions how I can make it more "enticing"?...
Introducing my new map, EMP warfare Plasma pistol underpowered? Blasphemy! Built in the (guess what?!) sky bubble, it consist of 2 platform,...
noted. thanks!
FF3. does not work with IE4 either. I post a screenshot when my mac get fixed.
Blockhead Created by stupidpower95 Base:Foundry Supported Gametypes: Assault Capture the Flag Infection Juggernaut King of the Hill Oddball...
sigh.... Anyway to fix it? I got 2 computers: ASUS m5200ae Macbook,bought 3/2007 This is getting more annoying by the minute...
Am I the only one which can't load Bnet properly? No background, but just alot of text. Oh, did I mention it is 1 column? Nearly impossible to...
10. Darn useful if you are trying to defend from a beatdown. It works if you go up 1 sensitivity 1 at a time(took me 6 months)
Sounds great, but it looks a little weird... Like the alignment. ps. Your camera angle sucks... The sun's light beams through the gaps. 3/5
I don't know did this before, but here goes... L-shape is a corridor in a shape of a L (duh), and is excellent for game types like griffball and...