I'm buying it for sure. No questions asked.
agreed, this would stop people from not dying because certain guns don't shoot underwater.... I would just add a teleporter that spans the...
mixed feelings. I wouldn't buy it as a full game. Arcade game? Yes.. Why you ask? Sure, CE was FANTASTIC. Even if they did have MP, it would be...
My Review: Enjoyment: 10/10 -Extremely enjoyable, definitely fun and replayable. I'll be keeping this variant for sure :p Balance: 10/10...
My review: Enjoyment: 9/10 -This map was actually very fun. The idea was awesome, and it worked (for the most part). I definitely will keep...
It can't happen. That would be a monopoly. Monopolies are illegal... Maybe games would just have cross-platform multiplayer? I know they tried...
i know. it's so random, that's why. We never expected anyone to appear with a hitler stache eating mashed potatoes.
Me and my brother and cousin were on omegle. we found this guy. He wins... YouTube - Hitler eats lunch on Omegle
Spy has to be in there, it's a defining class of TF2. That, and I like going invisible 0_o I'm liking the re-make so far!
Food and drink: Never a bad thing to have munchies, just make sure they won't get your console ruined or your controllers sticky. TV's: no one...
I'm probably going to have to play minecraft until christmas because my xbl ran out :( I'm not complaining though :)
I have 3 offline inheritor accs for machinima. That's what jtags are good for haha. So inheritor is the highest. and max credits is somewhere...
I actually like the interface better to be honest. It's much better IMO when it's sleek and flat.
I had a tiny little cottage for a while, it was overlooking a waterfall. every once in a while Mobs like cows and sheep would spawn in my house....
Why do they take down ONE MAN who mods, when big sites like se7 and TTG make thousands off modding? Not directly, but that is where it all goes...
I believe this was mine as well...
Do I plan on getting it? Yes Do I plan on playing it more than reach? No. COD is fun, in extreme moderation. Most people ONLY play cod, and...
I like it...
sweet dude! That's awesome.
I don't know if this is the correct place for this post, but whatever! I have been very bored of editing mw2 videos. I haven't created anything...