Thanks for the input, I'll give it a go!
Loving the mini ramp with the roll in, too bad there isn't a skateboarding game type too! Maybe if you bug Bungie enough ;) They gave us golf so...
Banshee Combat on Skyfire (version 1) Skyfire is a symmetrical map built in the sky bubble of sandbox, it contains 1 small color coded structure...
Very original! I love it.
This map is no longer on my file share but is available by request.
Good point, it seemed to play ok with them but I will see if I can swap the shotgun with another weapon on the map. Thanks.
Thanks, I tried to make it an open map with close quarters areas, I ran out of budget as I did not want it to cause lag with glitching it.
Thanks for the feedback
Thanks for the help, will do! [EDIT: screenshots are now up.]
Blamtacular Needs a more appropriate name to be honest. The map is called blamtacular because I am not good with names. Made for one sided and...
I like the simplicity and symmetry of this map, must be a good laugh! (:
I really enjoyed playing this map, thanks for the submission!