LOL ahh this is funny it just has his gt and nothing else LOL
hey dude one quick Q is this by any chance a modded map because i noticed many rainbow dots everywhere. So its either i've been drugged or this is...
ahhh the classic derby map so used yet so original at the same time....youve got my download
wow...massive map looks incredibly difficult, right up my ally, sweet, im downloading it
nice and original i can't say that i have ever seen a non-glitched game on epitaph. the gameplay looks like the scenery doesnt interfere although...
sweet map. some action shots might be a little boost to the advertisemnet of this map. long did it take you to make this map? its amazing!!
My friends and I got bored on saturday and started playing this map with Fat Kid and Ducks gametypes and it was surprisingly fun (try it we had a...
hey i just have want to know if there is an area where you can go inside of the ship or your on deck the whole time?
I have to agree with H3C x Nevz on the whole "keeping forge alive" thing. This is a creative map, gameplay looks nice, personal fan of bansees, I...
Dude you know what would be beastly, if you made like a second layer floating above the first that you need a lift or something to get up to. That...
go to and then enter your gamertag. Trust me it works a ton better than photobucket.
this map is alot like my bedroom, lol. it may be messy but the map has almost an "alive" feel to it because the map exerts constant tention that...
yo is there some king of custom powerup or something that spawns over time and you just fight to the death for it or do u have limited lives?...
i have a very old (crappy) version of this on foundry off of bungie favorites and this one looks alot smoother (its empty) and the fact that i...
hmm looks legit, also looks like an excellent map aswell, is their an anti-air weapon on the map because i think the bansees would kind of...
yo can i use this design and base a map around it (i will place your name in the description if you like) i just looked at it and saw a perfect...
very nice use of the crypt. I love the design and ideas although i'm a personal fan of the sniper tower so if you put a telporter that spawns in...
looks great (interlocking such like hunter said would be nice) but i think its sweet how you have manipulated all three levels of sandbox to your...