Although i know how to, i cant really tell you (as i didnt discover it and dont want to anger people) but its done the same way as apocolyptica....
the front is a little wierd, and a little interlocking goes a long way. Just finish it up a bit, and then maybe if your up for it add some more...
looks like a very good idea, but a little interlocking goes a long way. Just touch it up a bit, give it some aesthetics, and this would be wicked :)
looks like a good idea, but a little interlocking can go a long way. Just fix some of the floors and stuff with interlocking, maybe put some more...
My latest map is entitled CrashHogs, and is essentially monster trucks. There are 6 hogs total in this map. 4 spawn on each corner, while 2 spawn...
holy crap, dude, ass much? Maybe he isnt a forging genius, god forbid someone posts a map without interlocking that might still be fun for...
really tbh i made this to throw in my friends face, because he is always whining about how there is no elephants on sandbox... so i made this to...
will the hog survive the fall? cus if so thats AWSOME.
neat idea, i never thought of this... if you get this to work ill give you a cookie.
If you apply this to like a ship, and the only way off the ship was to drop, that would be AWSOME. Good idea, but i really dont think your post...
kinda confusing, but the above post really did help me. never thought of that. Ill try doing this in the crypt, though im afraid ill miss a step,...
greaatttt now im gonna hafta go forge a perfect Canadian Flag. Thx man!! :( jk, nice map, good interlocking, and way to show pride.
Oh my! i smell a feature. This map is great, and looks like it has grand gameplay (gonna test soon.) Geomerging it just makes it that much better,...
The elephant was made with purely aesthetic properties in mind. I added gameplay to it later, and it plays well with CTF. The map centralizes...
go ahead ^_^ im already trying to remake it with interlocking now, and a money glitched map. Thx for all the tips and feedback!
thx for the tips, ill try that when i make the next version. As for the lack of interlocking, thats due to the fact that im really new to forging,...
Minitrap is a small remake of sandtrap, but without all the sand around it. I know how useless this sounds, but its my first map and i wanted to...