Wow This map is so awseome i cant wait till' tommorow to look at it! I really like how close it looks to the real thing. I must say it is very...
O well if you would plus rep me ill do the same srry.
I didnt rate it tho...
[IMG] Acidic is a medium to large asymetric map. The map took around 24-27 hours to make (that may not be correct I dont keep track). Acidic...
This map looks ok. A couple things are messy but not really the layout is really cool. I like that thing in the middle too. hmmmm *genarating...
I'm gonna report u for rep abusing because you had no decent reason to give me bad rep. Get over it plus you didn't even get bad rep so your...
dude what is your problem????
Thanx for the feed back ill message you when its finished = )
Its FORGE DISCUSION its to discuss forge matters and un-finished maps like mine.
Hey guys, Im making a new map and ive gotten about halfway done and this is what i have so far. can you tell me what you think? [IMG] [IMG]...
Welcome new person thing...err... but anyways make sure you read the rules before you post! enjoy the wonders of our happy princess land...err you...
Welcome to Forgehub! This place is great for sharing your maps. I hope you enjoy your permanent membership here...te he...
Very nice map... I must say the asthetics look great and the gameplay looks great. I like the tele underneath the over shield, that is my favorite...
there are ways this map deals with that closness factor....
Does this chane gamplay?? The bridge in the middle is pretty cool but i think bungie didnt make one for a reason.... o well i dl later and try it out.
Hmmmm, I like this maps layout. Although the map seems a bit cramped it stilll seems open (yea that doesnt really make sense lol). The gate is a...
Ummm even though the map is supposed to be sloppy its really unatractive and shows little effort went into the map. Also when a mpa is sloppy its...
Its still a little messy... But anyways the game seems very fun. its a very orginal gametype. The walls interlocked into the boxes are good. And...
Hmmm, Not the most original thing but looks really fun. I like how theres many teles so to prevent camping. I also like how its almost immposible...
Finally we can see the map! hmmm Seems really fun its kinda like cat N' mouse. I havent played on the map yet but it seems like it would bring...