I understand the joke..but it's pretty stupid. That's probably one of the easiest screenshots to take and it's just dumb. I could blow up a fusion...
This is definately one of the best puzzles I've ever seen. You can tell that you took a TON of time thinking it through and making things perfect....
That's disturbing. Well, that was a half-sarcastic response, but sarcasm is nearly impossible to be detected over the internet. This is getting...
The guy with the hammer will hit the rocket guy. The mongoose that the rocket guy is about to get in will be sent flying, and land next to a...
Hah, nice Castle Crashers picture, Zombiez R Us. That game's epic.
This map is awesome. The spiral staircase is very impressive, you lined it up just right. I played a game of this with my friends and it was one...
I play with mine on 7 in all games but snipers, which I use 5. This is only because I played Halo for a while, got bored of it, played CoD and...
Those are all pretty funny. How'd you like...merge the armors though? The last one could be called something to do with a dinosaur or a rhino or...
Did the plasma pistol actually splatter him, or does it just look at it because of how he died? Regardless, it's pretty funny.
Yeah, I'll go with that. Thanks toasted kittuns. I don't like your name though. I do not approve of kittens being toasted!
I might use that if I don't get any other suggestions. Or maybe "Glowing ODST", but I agree it's not really the best. Thanks for the suggestion...
Yeah, that one wasn't really intended. I was going to have one of him throwing a grenade, but it didn't look very good so I tried taking one from...
These obviously aren't of real ODSTs. Just cool shots I got of myself. ODST Shotgunner [IMG] Halo 3 File Details ODST SMG Expert [IMG]...
Yeah, I agree that football is a completely inappropriate name for the sport. By informal I meant unorganized and not on a team. I've edited it to...
Hello, my name is Filup Cat. If you've made it this far into my introduction, I know you can read. The reason I chose this username is because...