Wow, best Midship remake ive seen so far. Gonna run customs on it ASAP. Nothing to fix yet, did you include all the original spawns? And Maybe a...
....... I think i.... yep... i pooped. 10/5
Great accurate remake, unfortunately i hate turf, but im convinced that those who do like turf will love this.
Wow! now that this is out i will not even look at another Wizard/Warlock remake ever again 10/5!
Absolutely amazing! i Was considering on remaking this map myself, but there's no need for that now! Definite download for me
Well as soon as i get my xbox back Me and IanHershey are going to make a V3 so heads up people
And i agree but i ran into some complications, one being that with the new item budget i would only be able to place two gravity lifts not 4,...
If anyone has any recommendations, please let me know
V2 is up now
When did bungie confirm this? sorry im completely in the dark. and they better screw it up like lockout
Wow i feel stupid for not putting a download link lol
no way, haha I'm nowhere even near bl00dfir3 and the other top guys here but thanks for the enthusiasm. Thank you and I'm going to be posting a...
haha thanks also this is my first map post! so be nice! :D
MLG Pressure v2 MLG Pressure V2 By: Karbine Kid & IanHershey Download MLG Pressure is a map placed in the Skybox. Its symmetrical and can...
I liked it (saw it posted on real7alk first) i played it and it seemed alright, I only played with like 3 people though... anyways it seemed fun...
Thats only a rumor, bungie has not personally stated the remake of Midship
is anyone thinking or in progress of re-making Midship from Halo 2?