Hey thats a really good idea and it works really well. I might just download that to have some fun :D I like minigames :D One day im going to...
I love this video :D
lol i just realised why im not seeing the ad's. I got an ad-blocker! lol how noob am i....
I used 3ds Max 9 for a bit to do some haloz stuff and i did some tutorials from the site. I'm sure that maya would have some inbuilt tutorials...
I'm a major but for some reason i havent been playing halo 3 much. Now im not going to play halo 3 for ages because im going into year 11. "Time...
A awesome website for it is vixy.net. It converts any youtube video to divx, mp4 etc etc. You can also download a program that goes onto your...
Well I was linked here by bungie :D I'm happy I followed that link :D Great place here!
Well... I played the beta like MAD, but for some reason i just havent really played it online with the game, was too interested in halo 3.
Yes it does happen to me and then everyone on me team quits and then I'm the only one left. It gets so annoying especially when you get up to the...
I'd have to say Guitar Hero III even though i haven't played RockBand. Though I really do suck at Guitar Hero III, it's still fun :D
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Thats so funny! lol!
Time to pile up lots of vehicles and shoot a rocket :D
I love grifball! Me and my friends had a lan and we were playing Grifball for quite some time. It was awesome fun!
Hey all im Adam from Australia, this is one of my posts in an attempt to get a little + next to my name in IRC. Well I can't be bothered saying...
I don't know if anyone else has seen this but they have some pretty cool glitches and tricks. Their playlist is:...