LOL it says "would you like to see a picture of your mom instead? I have many." :P
You can kinda see a door to the windmill in the very first picture and by looking at that first picture you can see that the only red light on the...
Seeing those 2 pictures i can already see that it looks alot like Book of Eli and if I'm correct than that bridge is supposed to look broken down....
Uhmmmm :/ i dont really understand the whole Visr concept if you could explain it that'd be great. Is it just like FX on like special maps orr??...
From the pictures i can't really see any interlocking and interlocking can help alot for smoothness and other reason's but interlocking is not...
as soon as i saw the first pic i was like " wow, this is exactly what a br arena should be" and right from that one pic i knew it was gunna be...
OMG this is something I've wanted to make or even see made since foundry first came out. this is even better than wut I imagined. This map is sure...
Actually the green squares are from a modded map they are lifts that can be added into a modded map.:haha:
this has got to be one of my favorite maps because it is very aesthietically pleasing and its fun. whats a map if its not fun right? great job...
Yo ER1C0 i got it and tested and i got 1 minute 43 seconds. Mark that down k Everyone this map is the **** and realy good forgin so DL its awsome!!
The geomerging isnt really that hard to do if u kno how and if u look closely at it the one on the other side as well as the tube in the sand on...
Ok well i downloaded this map and ill show u the parts that need improvement bcuz they r impossible to beat. V [IMG] Im sorry to say but i...
Shotgun with OS and sword with AC i think u should change that cuz first off it would cause ppl to be in both places most of the time and its not...
Apathetic map jk man it looks great and i didnt see those mistakes buit anyway good job.
For this map he doesnt necesarilly need a description bcuz its a remake so almost evry one should know what the map looks like if theyve played...
Hey man the map looks great but i have one question bout the gametype. The zombies would be aloud to shoot the humans would they not? Anyways can...
Hey man I did have a screenshot of it but it didnt save for some reason so I'll take another and edit it k man.
This map is a CTF map as you can see by the title. It is Basically a six story "tower of power." There is six levels all with at least one weapon...
Hey man does this have the same super bounce like in halo 2? JK man it looks really good and it looks like its just to scale I've already DL so...
screenshots arent workin man go to Halo Screen Shots and type in your GT there and your screenshots will show up. click the pic once then twice...