i've been in very early development of making a 'sand' castle... with 2 gametypes, 'castle crashers' and 'storm the gates' although i'm having a...
ok, i'm doing my head in right now, and was wondering if anyone knew an easy way to make a corridor on sandbox? as i'm getting aligning of the...
you're right, 4 is probably gonna be too high... and 3 is probably big enuff for what i'm after, but yeah, i understand stairs aren't gonna be...
ok, so i'm in the early design stages for a map on sandbox, i've got 4 towers, each octagonal in shape, 1 wall wide each side, obviously i could...
i've got em, gimme a yell if u need me, WiKKiD6
i just read my OP again and i see why you said this, i shoulda made myself a bit more clear... its the wall on the ground floor i want to be able...
hrmm ok, does anyone have any ideas how i could pull it off then?
hey guys, i'm looking to make a destructable wall of a multi story building on sandbox, just a section of the bottom floor to be destructable. i...
I'm in the process of making one, but as its my first map, its gonna be hella bad, and rough as hell... but i'm cool with that, i dont expect to...
damnit, i wanted to keep human and covie weapons seperate... guess i'll have to work something out..
so i cant set primary and secondary weapons to none then? not looking for a mod to get banned..
also i read in another post that double blocks in sandbox aren't truely square, if this is correct, what would be the best object to use for...
ok, so i think i know the answer to my first question, but i'll ask anyway, someone may know a way around it.. is it possible to make the...
cool cheers.. i should be able to at least give it a crack with that post as a reference...
I have a similar question, and am new to forging (working on my first map now) I've been slowing going thru the guides getting techs and stuff...