hey some kid sent me a message over xbox live telling me we have to play for the conflict 1v1 tournament. i looked at the bracket but my username...
oh nice thanks man. i can give you a link to a later version on the map if you like. i think the newer version is much better. let me know what...
oh thanks man. i have another map on my fileshare that i made. but it was a while back before the mythic maps came out. so its on foundry. same...
do you not see my list of weapons on the map ? i mean i basically listed everything thats on the maps... cept for that there are two main bases...
oh sorry. this is my first post on here with my maps. im not sure how to get big pictures... but you can click on the thumbnail thing to see the...
MLG Cryptic is my newest creation. It supports MLG CTF and Team Slayer. It has a very strong Sanctuary feel from halo 2. (inspired by sanctuary)...
the layout of the inside of your bunz hole is slightly more disorienting... thats all IM talking about.. Camofo/Fiendish lessthanthree...
is this guy below me gay or something ? doesn't he know that buddhacrane will **** on his forge skills... lawl
oh yeah man... you know you could have typed in the "god mode" cheat into your phone and you could have ran around slapping the dudes with the...
woah man.. i tried it the other day and all i had was a beat down attack and a small flash light..
woah dude... what is this "outside" you speak of ? lawl
yah dood. i haven't played any halo in almost a month. i need to buy a new xbox. :(
woo! camofo.... you know who this is? its'a me! Fiendish!!
there are huge holes in floor of the middle platform... and yea the top gold is stolen from lockdown..