he mad also I think the map looks pretty cool and I just have to say I like how SOME people apart of the forging community are actually using the...
The map looks awesome, I really like the high way. Good thing you edited it to work with 1 bomb assault, I have been looking for maps for my lan...
if it were up to me I would put the sword on the top bridge (where the rockets are) the rockets in the rock tunnel and take each of the snipers...
The aesthetics in this map look terrific! Sword spawn is a bit strange though and I'm not a huge fan of the shield doors you placed (not the ones...
Listen to what people are saying and put some railings down man. Sweet idea though honestly. I would definitely download though if you just put...
did you even play the map? sounds like you just looked at the pictures and decided to grade it without putting in any real thinking. I really...
I second this, maps don't have to have huge amounts of cover in the just to be good, just take a look at hemorage! (I don't think I spelt that...
Yup looks like a sweet map to me. I am really enjoying how you incorporated the ground with that base near the cliff. I am going to download to...
Hey man looks like a pretty sweet map too bad its not getting much attention I'm definitely downloading though I'll get back to you hopefully...
Wow I loved your walk-through, the map looks phenomenal. I loved your spitting serpents mechanism and I think its a great step forward in halo...
The only problems I see with the map is how the main platform is shaped but thats just me nit picking. Looks great awesome job
THe coolest looking one is definitely the last with the barn. These kind of remind me of the maps bungie gives us to play in forge world. Oh...
Cool map but I was checking out the spawn points and red team spawns right on top of blue team/ Whats up with that blue team will be slaughtered
Which rooms are you talking about? While forging I made sure that the whole map was equal in size to the original. The only room I can imagine...
8 level vertical structure? Sounds confusing I'll give it a download though. Looks like jet packs would be effective here
this map should be getting more attention, it looks great. I hope it works well with 1v1 because I usually only play custom maps with my bro
info on the map? Weapon list? I will stay tuned for more pictures. Looks sweet thoug hI might give it a DL after seeing more pics
No I didn't. Like I said in the description, the secret rooms would just take away from the competitive aspect of the map. Download it and check...
these are valid points you bring up. Although I was attempting to make it as much like the original as possible I kept a steady idea in mind that...
no way go look at videos of the original map all the ramps in the original are that steep