It seemed completely staged. Looked like he ran into it.
You can take screenshots?? AWESOME God damn I wish I had my Xbox, I already bought the game even though my Xbox is broken :(
OMG Matty got shitted on! Someone killed matty one shot with a melee! That kid should go pro! I am not worthy. Other then that montage was cool.
Man I wish I had my xbox, this game looks awesome! What the girl does in the game is called Parkour or free running, and I actually do it, but not...
Your BR is good but you got like half those kills with sword...
Hax. Haha nice, I know like 5 more hiding spots, that map is so good for hiding.
I'm high.
The music was terrible. Right when it came on, I exitted. Sorry.
Awesome! Haven't they be working on this game for like 3 years?
Hahahah i am definitly doin this to my friends
Hahahahahahahahahhahahaha There voices were hilarious "When in doubt, LIE."
Hahhahaha that was soooo good!!! BYAH!
CREEPY. The first one lollipop didnt make any sense, it didnt say what was heard.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah thats so funny omg
Haha ive seen that happen so many times in different videos but never happened to me haha
Hahahahahahaha "And the tree was happy... not really." Haha this was hilarious!
Best Rocket Race montage ever! I love rocket race but alot of my friends never wanna play it. Send me a friend request if you wanna play some im...
hahaha that was hilarious! brilliant! usually i dont feel like watching long youtube videos but this one was so good
Hahaha both the commercials posted were probably the best commericals ive ever seen.
Omg that was crazy!