lol yeah that happens sometimes :happy:
Hey heres a screenshot that i took that i thought is pretty funny. tell me what you think of it thx Yeh!! That Big! [IMG]
it would have to be pokemon red or blue those games were the bomb
i love viva pinata its the bomb and animal crossing is awesome too!!! but Blakem0n92 im with you too im so ashamed that i liked runescape.
superman 64 enough said
"When did he get here?"
I tried it, its great! i could play it for ages. i give it a 4/5. the thread is very well set out too i like the screenshots.
looks great nice concept. Ive only looked at it alone though. il have a play with lots of people sometime soon.
I tried it out with a few people and it was pretty good. I'm going to try it out with a big party sometime. Its very well made. 4/5
:happy: Left 4 Dead [IMG]
sorry about the spam, But seriously i have played your map and it is very well made.I especially like the hub room idea. I could inspect it more...
Hey love the puzzle so far but can someone PM me about puzzle 8 with the Flare. i don't get it