I've been having this problem and looking every where for an answer to fix it. My problem is specifically with the Double Blocks. I've found (so...
I've noticed that you can get an item to disappear by spawning another object of the same type. Still frustrating though. The default double boxes...
You'll need to an an 'l' to the end of that link.
I'd like to read that thread too. I'm a real beginner to forging, and I'm trying to read everything I can. My first map is going to be a suckfest.
The question is though, can you merge items into the sand? I've tried the above method, but each time, the object that I'm merging always moves...
If someone can help me, I was trying to merge objects into the sand, assuming you'd be able to do it the same was as merging into the walls of...
Thank you. That's what I thought, but wasn't sure.
I'm sorry, I'm still having trouble with this. I need to have spawn areas and then place my respawn points in them? Also, if I'm just doing a...