Thanks guys for the comments. Rorak Kuroda - Thanks man, Sorry i have been agnoring you guys. We should diffentely play soon. J Hadley - There...
Arcane Designed and Forged By Sethiroth Well it's been a long time since I posted any map. I been working on this map off and on since day one of...
Wow Ace man this looks great from the pics... I have downloaded it, so i can see if the layout is up to stuff also ;)
Hey Ace, its nice to see you finaly post a map my buddy diffently inv me next time your on. Also inv me to check out some of you other maps
I am vary glad to have been apart of this map and it history. The map has came a long way and i love seeing it evolve and become something great...
After Downloading i would like to say that the map looks great, Also i think the inner part of the map is great but the whole outer edge is just...
This map shows that even a simple design can with some awsome theme can bring joy to your heart. This map shows how a simple circule can play vary...
Thanks Pacmonster1 and rbenhase. Hey 4 Shot could you link me a Game that is Team Slayer, CTF, Terriroties or Neutrual Bomb where you spawn out...
Thanks Handicap.
I cant believe i was the first to download. I always like your Halo 3 maps i cant wait to get in this map and play some games on it
thanks mrcleanup
Classified Created and Designed by Sethiroth Help from Knossos Discription: This map is a Successor to the map know as Midship, which is the most...
Thanks Light and Urban Myth. This map also plays default varients also. ITs just also plays MLG also
@ Spaceneil - I will make sure you get in on some games next time. @ Hector - I am glad you enjoyed the map some much @ Ladnil - Thanks for...
RISE Created by Solo XIII and Sethiroth Description: Rise is a symmetrical, two-base design that draws inspiration from the MW2 map "Highrise."...
I made a sketch-up that i never released based on a X shape map. I will DL and comeback with some feedback
i really like the layout of the map but the screen lag i get when playing this map really kills the experiance of this map. I hope you update the...
the map has a roof so there will be no flying out
ya the map is done in halo 3 but we are not going to release it because there is room for improvements but we are out of budget in halo 3 and for...
Thanks for asking to post the design without permission. I like it but i wish you would have waited for me to say ya or na On the side note: I...