good map, but why not a guass cannon? remember the loucust shoots lasers
good, it's good that people are starting to quit. after over 2 years. and they need to learn that theres other games out there. for example : i...
lol give map making a try too, you can always make a good map if you put time into it
I would love to help, add me on xbl. btw i had the same idea before =D
i never knew there were that many types of jumps, i use the gernade+equitment+crouch jump alot and you can get to high that you can go up 3x a...
these are all pretty good ideas, i don't have a priticuler favorite. i do know what kind of maps i could put them on
that would be tough with double boxes i guess. i have and idea. it might not work tho and there might not be enough objects of them. Mybe...
are you kidding?? not to be rude but this sucks!!! espicilly with the FX. i mean wtf??
im a bit confused, but i think once i try it i'll get it better, thx
thank you, this can totally make a map look awsome, especilly the grav lift
wow thanks this totally helped, especilly the man cannon trick. but one question, wich way do you point the cannons?
This is totally a great idea! to bad it couldn't be done it real life =(. you have a pretty great mind
i can not wait for these game.. totally SICK!! but halo odst kinda looks like CoD instead of halo
i play on 2, works really well
Dude this is sick, it also works as a tut. thx man!!
shakeing the screen did not help much at all, it actully made it quite anoyying. same goes for slo-mo
lol this is pretty good, i am a big southpark fan ^_^. you should make more pics like this.
This is a great screenshot, i like the style of it. though useing a modded map? it wasn't even worth it
I forgot to mention, the spawns are in the sky, so spawn-assassins will fail. Spawn killing does not occur. At the most, one team may get the...
Ok, so far what i've seen is amazing!! Great challenges and nice forge. Although I am lost, I got to about the 9th picture and I have no clue what...