Hahaha, provided me with about 2 minutes of fun on my lonesome, i'll get a few people in next time and i'm sure it'll be a laugh for a while :D
Good question, And the reason why i dont, is because you actually can't! :| For some strange reason, Bungie have made it so that you can set kill...
Only had a chance to look at the aesthetics of this so far (in forge) and you've outdone yourself! loving that scarab, cant wait to play test this!
What they said. But on the plus side, this looks pretty damn innovative! I never would have thought of using those rock pieces as such a crucial...
Thanks man! With the pittance of credits bungie are awarding(?) players for playing custom games rather than matchmaking, i think it's dragging...
Afraid not, giving humans 0% damage makes them unable to splatter, shoot or even melee.
Okay, so this is a remake/revisioned version of a map which we played (and thoroughly enjoyed) countless times on Halo 3, so credit for the idea...
DAMN IT! I'm currently making my own version of this (it used to be a halo 3 map) - complete with gametype. But having difficulty as bungie likes...
10, sometimes after playing COD4 i switch back to halo and wish for a 11+ option on h3 haha ;). Switch down to 9/8 for team snipers though.
Yeah i only have a select few, and out of them only 2 or 3 have the maps. I'll add ya on xboxlive and you could invite me into the game on friday...
Haha to be honest i dont like using killballs in maps unless its part of a mini game, to instantly die and not have a clue why just doesnt seem...
I'd like to download it but you've messed up the link. The map looks pretty sweet and looks like it'll play pretty nicely on freeforall gametypes,...
Hey you played on my map (Crematorium), i've just took your advice and created a version 2, could you give it a try and let me know if its any...
Firstly i'm glad you chose my map to test, however it isn't my best map it was slightly rushed haha. I've taken into consideration both of your...
Lol of course dude, you don't even have to ask, its inspiration not copying.. It takes a few round restarts to do it, if you interlock half as...
Alpha zombie must escape by crouching in the corner of the prison cell and getting in the mongoose (pushing them through the wall). There is one...
Looks pretty sweet! definate download :) Oh and the death barrier thing, has been done before :P on a lot of racemaps haha - but still kudos on...
No Containment v2 - Map Link Protocol v2 - Gametype Link //There is now a v2!! The difference is that instead of using a mongoose, the zombie has...
I want the last one as actual armour lol :) I like ODST and hayabusa but i prefer ODST so it'd be wicked haha, pretty good idea as to combining...
So many replies, so many downloads. You've got my download! Looks wicked cant wait to play it :D Thought of remaking it in sandbox? (when the maps...