What's with all the bungie hate? I mean yes, forge world could be more intelligently put together, and they could have left in more customs...
If you wanted to do assault for the final part of the mission, i would suggest using territories for the first two objectives, you could turn the...
You need to do team color, attackers should be blue if im not mistaken, "Inf_spwn" means that its a spawn point that only appears in infection,...
In forge there is something called a "soft safe zone" this customizable box determines your map boundaries, ie. anything OUT of the box is treated...
You could in theory have the players spawn in spawn rooms out of the regular map space and have the gear for each team at the spawn, and then have...
I can't find it either... a suggestion for the mean time, up player damage resistance proportionally to damage, this should weaken all...
Did you check if there were any kill volumes out? The default hemorrhage would use them to block off other areas of forge world, and they don't...
If you merged the senders and the receivers together you could actually get 12 2-way teleporter pairs (6 regular, 6 "1-way"), however this would...
as for resizing objects, that's not entirely impossible, bungie already did that with their king of the hilll markers, so in theory they could do...
personally im glad dual wielding is out, for many custom game types it was a nightmare for balance purposes, as for detachable turrets if that's...
Body health does regen, I have tested it my self, however your story happened because you forgot to turn on immune to head shots, and a head shot...
but if you get rid of the survivors shields and just give them damage resist their body health will constantly regen, making it impossible for...
the problem with giving the player a witch is that she only takes down one survivor and only after the anger her first, There is no way to really...
With the recent arvival of Left 4 dead 2, I have decided to take a look at the new infected as well as the old and see if the community can come...
#26 Form: Influential VIP gameplay: plays like a campaign mission, one team goes from point A to B in one life, but the home team tries to stop...
change gametype in forge will only let you place points specific to that gametype, like goals and starting points, however everything else will...
for clarification, by "class" do you mean have people spawn near a certain set of equipment for them to pick up? Second on how the whole minimum...
fine fine, I know the classes can't be balanced yet because I haven't TESTED them, they are just a way to spark your creativity so you come up...
the classes I listed are just concepts to get other peoples ideas going, nothing more nothing less, how many classes, what they have, and how...
still a problem being worked on, which is why a one sided game like CTF because you have motivation to leave the spawn room.