And who were the people putting me down for wanting to remake Lockout?!
BUMP No one is seriously interested in trying something like this?
Thanks dude, seriously. I'm just looking for people to post some positive imput on interest in helping me, not a brow beating.
Wow, everyone hates here? ****...I never said I wanted it to be better than Lockout, I said I wanted to remake it as in the same thing. I.E. Same...
Why bother? because of one simple thing, Blackout ISN'T Lockout. There were plenty of major changes people noticed from day 1 that they hated and...
Well I planned on starting with green room/bottom blue because that's the deepest part of the map and I planned on going from the ground up. Start...
Hey guys, I'm new to this site but my friend reccomended it to me because he said there were many skilled Forgers out there like me. Well, here's...