Me and my friend have been having this debate for a long time. Do you like open bases or enclosed ones, i personally like enclosed bases here is...
I spent the whole summer doing nothing but playing cod 4, and when i got the golden sniper it felt like an acheviment, and it was one to lol ;)
I got a hurnia when i was 6 and i got surgery for that(i couldn't walk for like a week) and my cousin was swinging me around and he let go and the...
This was really weird you see a guy in the back getting clashed (by no one) and a guy in a lunge and me dieing without anyone hitting me! [IMG]
i loved rainbow road and now i can race it on halo! has the world gone mad?!?! no, but nice track i love how narrow it is making people acually...
this looks like a fun map i tried to make one like that but my terrible forge skills overpowered me and i didnt have the patients to acually make...
yea an infection map on orbital would be cool like block off some of the tunnels and put alot of boxes in weird positions so it would look like...
I think it was either mario golf, mario tennis, or the first supersmash bros (i beat that game like 300 times)
I mostly bought halo wars for the maps but it proves to be very fun if you are on a 2v2 or 3v3 playlist and its very very fun if you play co-op...
Me and my friend were having a base building contest (me blue him red) and i wanted to have the highest tower and i went a little overboard
Thia is one of my first maps that me and my friend made. This map is for: Team slayer, and multi flag only This map is just a map with 2 big...
I would love to play this map and see what its like to play an inclined game of grifball (my friends probably would get MeGa Mad at me because of...
My Gamertag is Dem Saints But it was originally I Saint Jimmy I Because of the Green day song Saint Jimmy And all my friends started to call me...
I'm just the new guy who need serous help forging. I'm the co-Leader of the clan Dem and the leader is the best racetrack forger Ive ever seen....