Great writeup, Insane. I could use a little of that. Thanks! Also, what is "roam to run?" ; )
Meh, I don't abuse it. I use it once, maybe twice every other game- if that. I don't get killed by the Models often, but when I do it pisses me...
I've had thoughts that if you call in an EMP right after a Tactical Nuke is called in that it may prevent the nuke, but I'm not sure. It's just a...
I use the Javelin glitch every time I get killed by Akimbo Model 1887s nowadays...
YouTube- Three Days Grace- Lets Start a Riot
That, or you could simply stick the person with a Semtex. /plan
The first thing that comes to mind is the song Let's Start a Riot. Come to think of it, Let's start a Riot sounds like a good clan name. You...
This looks pretty awesome, you guys. But I fell that it's missing something.
Just a thought: Why call it a Tactical Nuke? It's a bit of an oxymoron, don't you think? It's about an tactical as grenade spamming- you push a...
iRaynne, the funniest part of that vid was at the end with the guys talking. But this looks orgasmic. I don't think I'll be showing up at school...
Will do, Dylan. I'd much rather describe it to you over LIVE than here, anyway.
It's called Google Sketchup.
I looked at this map and I JIZZED IN MY PANTS. But srsly, this looks ****ing hawt, Dylan. I demand an invite.
Yeah, it's the main base. This was all done in a few hours(Ghost Merging FTW) so expect some new pictures up sometime soon.
That sounds like a pretty cool guy. eh delays the Hornet spawn and he doesn't afraid of anything.
Shamelessly copy/pasted from XForgery: Wedgie?! What is this?! Blasphemy! Erm... I mean, uh, nevermind. About the Hornet spawn, how does one go...
[IMG] This is just what I got done today. I'll be posting more pictures as I progress. I also need a name, so if you have any ideas, tell me.
If there isn't one already, I highly suggest putting a Sniper in the map. With these kinds of LoS, it seems a Sniper would be sweet on here.
Your Anti-Grav map plays great for OVERBOARD! Just sayin'...
Why do people keep comparing this to default Rats Nest? The only reason I used Rats Nest for the canvas is because I like how Rats Nest's...