Awsome map, amazing asthetics, must have taken forver. really creative and artistic nice job !!! 5/5
Yeah this is my first attempt at making somthing half tocent in gforge, yeah the Banshee and hornet are nice teases, ive seen a few maps that have...
69 downloads. thanks evryone who showd some interest an took the time to download my map. peace out.
ok Thanks alot, i really apriciate the constructive criticism esecialy from Rebornyeti my maps wouldnt get better if people didnt point out faults...
Thank you evryone for the Feedback !!! :P Really Glad to hear some positive Feedback. the problem i have with the walls is the Fact that my...
Thank you very much, hoping to forge more maps depending on the feedback i get. lol i have to admit, this map was made based on a picture i had of...
Hey Thanks for the 4.5 :P The banshee and Hornet are only there to look Good i m unable to get them down and fly them in game so i just hope...
Foundation Reloaded Ok, i made this map within the first couple of days that Halo wars came out, since i only just learnt how to post on here...