ok you guys, you gotta help me. i just got artists block. what should i draw?
i believe thats double posting..... oh well, the map is like far too many seen since the release of sandbox.... be different. use the underground....
1. a 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. a 8. b 9. a 10. b 11. b 12. b 13. a 14. b 15. a 16. b 17. a 18. a 19. a 20.a
this may lead to the zombies betraying the hell out of each other, just for the power weapons. you could prevent this by seperatingt all the...
my friend and i were wondering, how the hell do they link V for vendetta to opposing scientology? i always thought V was FOR other religions.
you can see this happening in the future, but it will have glitches, and these WILL be abused.
i would really reccomend you making this program public. or even start charging for it :D you might be sitting on some cash there.
if only i had the patience to do these maps... i have seen some really amazing pieces out there, though.
i tried making one of these.... then my friend joined and screwed it up... i commend your patience!
get yourself on lone wolves, wait for swords on snowbound, get invisible, get killing.
really, if you want the katana so much that you feel the need to glitch for it, you are what everybody was talking about on the last page.
you can tell these maps wont be played on much, because sandbox is far superior in EVERY SINGLE WAY. you could probably MAKE these 2 maps on...
i think the shotgun on isolation aint that much help against the sniper, but whatever floats your boat.
The Big Bang: Where did that first piece of matter come from? They have no answer. this is untrue. scientists have found that matter can, and...
how bout we stop arguing? i read your guide on matchmaking, and i liked it. it helped a lot. thanks
heya! i think theres a seperate forum for this...
that cleared some stuff up...
ahem. prerogative is not a word, you may have been looking for derogative . and i had no idea people skip out on legendary, that IS laziness
a while back, there was a buzz about a huge easter egg on sandtrap... somethin to do with the 2 elephants... they ever find it?
no, i got it it was just so annoying to get! it's nice for people to sometimes say " wow , that guy has owned this game" though.