Can anyone post up link for the Graph City Map, Also How to do the first screenie pm me :)
Yeh hopefully it will be bungie making it still because microsoft got the game title when bungie spilt from microsoft. Will ruin halo if made by...
Gamertag: iSplippinn Time On: GMT, I Will ussally be on between 4-9 Mic: Yeh All The Time Im a lvl 50 and need to make some good maps
Cheers for welcoming, I need to start a project on Sandbox, I may start a Mlg map
Lol, Im that much of a noob
Lesson Type: Srafing/BR Time request entered: 04 March 2009, 9:23 Desired Lesson Time: 05 - 08 March 2009 GamerTag: iSplippinn Lesson Level:...
Thanks for that great share, shame their isnt another halo title going to be released
Hey, I would like to firstly say that I'm glad to finally join your community. I have been looking around the sites for some time now and deceid...
Yeh, I have the maps.