I thought I would post this because I just got incredibly pissed off in a game of doubles. First here's my story: So I go into doubles by...
FAIL. Do you have any idea how many banked waves there are on this site? I agree this map is nicely made but there is nothing new or unique...
Wow, you are a hypocrite. There's no need to be a **** now.
Sign - The MightyB 243 (dafatdude243)
You are my hero. You have said so many things I've wanted to say. You guys who take offense to this and think it's inappropriate need to really...
Jackin' It Loud on Your Mom's Face Created By The MightyB 243 (dafatdude243) This was a map I created a long time ago. For a few reasons I...
Ok, sorry about that. Thanks for not giving me a bullshit response. I'll just wait to until it's released.
Dude this is almost the exact same as the first banshee race map. Try changing it a little bit. There is almost no point in downloading both...
I think it's pretty obvious that when I say I hate bungie I am exageratting. I don't hate them, halo just pisses me off sometimes. I still can...
Why We Hate Bungie Me and my friends have always talked about making videos dedicated to the reasons why we hate Bungie. Most people will...
Oh come on!!! I'm going to be pissed if you stole my loop idea. If it's better (which it probably is) I'm going to be even more pissed. Oh well...
Omg omg this is like the greatest map ever!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you mean by more ramps? Where? And what kind?
I'm pretty sure it's impossible to make a loop in halo without man cannons pushing you through. And if you notice no matter how straight the man...
FLYING B'S [IMG] Created by: The MightyB 243 Recommended Gametype: Racetracks Number of Players: 1-16 I have always felt that too...