-_-pics/dowloadlink/description would help alot
This is an astounding map, i like how you were able to make it pretty much exactly like rsv2 killhouse, i assume that the man cannons work well as...
no one is trying to buy anything its a god damn dl its not an investment in your future, also for someone who trashes people, calling them no...
you can be racist that's worse, stealing a map shouldn't be perma-banned, perhaps suspension, but seriuosly its a forum, and the post has been...
simmer the **** down, he stole a map he didn't murder somone, ya theres no pics or dl link so im guessing he deleted it all, im guessin this...
this is... I dont even... WTF at least put up pics and description man ,I dont know the link to photobucket but im sure someone will post it, also...
i hate to be a turd in the punchbowl but you have to embed at least 1 pic or video
this map intrigues me alot, it looks to be a very skillfully made map im gonna d'l to find out, it has alot of cool structures from what i can...
this is a pretty good lookin map, you might wanna straighten somethings out if i doesn't effect the gameplay then dont but some stuff doesn't...
the troll is here this is actually quite funny, please continue until you get banned.
Ummm... I honestly have no idea what is going on in this map if the gooses try to take on hogs good look. Also If it is possible to camp you might...
Looks complete to me he used excellent ghost merging and this map has a really good look like the fact that it easy to mess up on so it actually...
Its possible for 2 people to have the same idea but not rip it off, seeing that someone's head peaks out through objects is pretty easy to find,...
Wow, well first off the download link is correct it isn't suppose to be to your FS its suppose to be to the link on bungie.net so his is fine. Why...
I read the whole thing, he said it was terrible and in his opinion gameplay > aesthetic, then you said didn't anyone teach him the difference...
the rules say pics OR video, no need for both, and since when is forging trap maps serious business. From what i saw in the video the map is...
FAIL, the contest is making one of the seven wonders of the world, the name doesn't need to be changed, also stairs dont need to be climable...
anyone ever teach you that comments are for opinions?
lol dude your a ****** infract me i dont even care
ya borderlands is pretty good i played my friends i got a lvl 18 soldier