Backwash was removed because the effects caused poor frame rates at times and if you were Steel then you were pretty much invisible....
I was waiting for your final release. The ramp looks a bit strange, but I trust that you wouldn't release it like that unless it was smooth.
OK, I understand. It looks great so far.
I don't remember any holes that would kill you. I think he means the little recessed areas in the main hallways. He probably left those out...
Download link? I want to check this out in game. It looks very accurate, but pictures of the ramps would be great.
Upload them to and then post the embedded links for them. Although I did look at your linked pictures and I think it looks nice....
I loved version one. I'm download now. First download ftw?
Two hours, five minutes for a group of four to beat it. The grav lift room was the most annoying part, but wonderful once we figured it out.
I'm downloading it now. I'll run a 3v3 Team Slayer game or 5 player FFA with my friends depending on how many are online.
I'm in.