Remakes of H2V's District, Zanzibar, and Blood Gulch are linked in my sig. I'm currently working on an Ice Fields Remake as well.
So I hopped online to check if walls would work instead of grids for the bases. It turns out that removing the nonessential walls does not give...
I thought that a lack of sidewalls would break the feel more than a grid floor would. Without walls, the area around the bases would be either...
Hey guys, I've got a quickie here that I spent the last few days building. I made this primarily because I was hoping Burnie Burns would be...
Big things in reach were only possible because forgeworld had prefab terrain out the ass. Working within the confines of a pre-existing map is...
I get where you're coming from, but it just feels like wasted potential. If they had just given us the impact item palette, then we would be able...
Why have a windmill in space? I’ll spare you the usual four paragraphs of storytime on this one. This is my remake of Zanzibar, made while...
Am I the only one that's a bit disappointed with Forge Island? I mean, there are a ton of brilliant new items, and the flat terrain is awesome,...
I've got a remake of District if you're interested.
Hi there. I used to post quite a lot here. Then I hated Reach and sold my Xbox. Now I'm back for Halo 4. [IMG] NOTE: The forging here is...
This is likely to be my last post here, and will definitely the most unusual. I left ForgeHub over a year ago, leaving what I would consider a...
Tee hee
Needed money for a new PC >_<
>last activity: 1 Week Ago Damnit man. Message me when you get this.
Maybe a little. Also, I'm sorry in advance for this, but I just sold my xbox.
Dont be silly melt. Being anti-mainstream was mainstream in the 90s. Now it's mainstream to be anti-anti-mainstream.
I will. Except Ray bans are too mainstream. I prefer julbos
tee hee
I've seen plenty of footage bro. It's just another CoD game. It's too mainstream either way though.