You just double posted Ucntbeatme, you could get an infraction. As for the map, I think that the maze parts should be better connected. You can...
All right, thanks for the help.
I'm working on a map where people are in a small arena in the air. The people would get in ghosts and try to bump eachother into a 'death hole'....
Do people get points for kills or is it like regular KOTH, where they get points for being in the hill? I think that the description should be a...
I love the idea, Grifball with stickies. I was expecting something like a dogdeball map, but it turns out I was slightly wrong.
The thing that really caught my eye was the amazing interlocking. Everything, especially the dome, looks perfect. One thing that might be a...
I really like the random weapon box. But a problem I have is that the last man could just camp outside the building or is that impossible? I'm...
Sorry, this map doesn't look good enough for me to download, but making a race track on guardian is very unique. Just being able to make one on a...
I tried the map, and it's just as good as I expected. I hope to see more maps from you in the future.
The map looks great. It seems great for small teams for TS, kind of like I tried to do with my first map. (it was my first so it wasn't really...
Please read the captions. It isn't that hard to understand that the pictures were done WITH ROOF TAKEN OFF when it says that after every picture...
I like how there's multiple buildings, and you can't just camp in one big building with a ton of weapons.
I've seen very few maps not using a DLC map, and many times these are not great, but you managed to use an out of bounds area on the pit(very rare...
This map looks awesome, especially for a first post. I agree with vanilla that I like how the street is for the most part open so you can have...
1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. a 8. b 9. b 10. a 11. b 12. b 13. b 14. a 15. b 16. b 17. b 18. a 19. a 20. b
I personally don't swear, but I think it's stupid when people make a big deal over swear words, because they are just words.
This looks great, can't wait until I can play this. I don't think that there's any parts that you need to improve.
I use 1, it really improved my BR and now I can't shoot worth anything if I increase it, even though I don't like how slowly you turn around with 1.
When you go to the doors on the houses, do they "open" and bring you into the house or are they just for decoration?
I'm going to start work on a V2 of this map this coming weekend. I plan to make the map look completely different but it will still be enclosed...