But for instance you can disable the Vip from jumping out by setting his gravity low and while everyone else can jump out. so the area he is in...
wow At least i got at least one persons opinion
Since the Contest is coming to a close, I decided that I wanted to see what you guys think are the best maps and the most accurate right now for...
I get that geometry thing, but im talking about the floor thing if you were to create a level down there could you spawn. So you could alo test...
Yes this does sound interesting, but whats the point if you can spawn down there lol. You die instantly over and over, so check that too because...
Hey there everyone, im making a quake 3 maps and want to do Q3DM17 as my first one. So if anyone is interested in helping me make it plz post done...
team slayer or normal slayer free for all
Well ive seen a few good ones, but i like mine the best personnally lol. The map is called Death Walk by me, type it in the search bar if you want...
OK I will try to do it, also how do I get text on im using photoshop CS3 extended like what button to press in order to get text on mine.
What would you guys rate his signature on a scale of 1 to 10. Also its my first signature made so far.
I dont think rank matters at all, it just shows your commitment and you get a cool weapon to go with it. Also it doesnt prove that your good at...
Wow i think you put a little too much effort in that post Zero Fox and making a proper finger position lol. All you have to do is make sure...
from my point of view it doesnt look very messy at all (it looks like a lasertag type of map, since i remember playing laser tag in an arcade and...
Ok since its probably your first map post here are a few tips to help clean it up. First I recommend pictures that grab the entire room with all...
Ok I was wondering what you guys think are the top contender's for the shell shock contest At The MOMENT. just who are the people you guys would...
I use photoshop CS3 extended, so any help would be nice
How do i render a image and put it on my background someone please help the tutorials I looked at sucked
after playing it im not very surprised with anything. Its good, but not not so amazing how it was suppose to be at all.
I would like to be a member and here are my maps Competitive:http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?topic=3125.0 (The Warsaw uprising)...
ok about the shotgun when playing it, it depends on how its used sometimes its extremely powerful or not so much. But if you do change it then I...