Hey, if you need someone to help with your map I will. Linkbomber1 on X-Box Live.
Some people may not need the budget glitched or they may not need the guardian's blocked.
I only made it to see how many times i could get my friend to walk into the power up (5 times before he figured out it was going to kill him)
Simple Trap DOWNLOAD Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Switch I was working on for a while. A lot of interlocking. How it works...
Looks very good. Nice interlocking on the bridge in the 6th picture. Also, as said before, what is the snipers spawn time?
Thanks for this guide, thought my 360 was broke when I got 4th Red Light and E68, but removed my harddrive and reattached and it seems to be...
Links are dead?
5/5. Great interlocking. Also, nice ceiling :P
The problem with the armory would, as previously stated, cause people to camp waiting for someone else to drop in. Also, it's kind of just a bunch...