I'm a fan of COD4 and this looks like a pretty respectable remake of the original Backlot. I agree that you should roof some of the buildings. I...
That much is understood. I wanted to know if there is anyway to reset the ball. Kinda boring if you can only play one 'hole' and then ...nothing.
I just wanted to play around with the toys, the golf ball, cup, and such. Maybe make a little golf course to play with. It's not very fun since,...
I have them now as well.
hello and welcome!
Thanks, it's certainly very helpful. There's just one thing, gamevee.com redirects to gotgame.com..and there doesn't seem to be any tool for...
thanks guys. I've already been delving into the 101 tutorials, trying to implement some things I learn from them on a few test maps...spent most...
Hello everyone, I'm Raiden_Zer0 (gamertag RaidenZer0) - n00bish forger. I think I either found this place through bungie or a google search...but...