yea, i made it like this so that you can't see them its more of a luck thing than anything, i have played it msny times and with lots of people...
This is my first time posting a map so be gental. This map is called Bouncin Bullets, The objective of this map/gametype is to kill the other...
the firefight is realy fun if you do it on a difficulty that best suits you
Killpocalypse (9 kills) with my chopper (Splatters Only) lol and 740 kills with the chopper in one fire fight match and 4 invincibles...
they ban your xbox and profile not just profile
got MP?
Thats crazy keep working on it and it will be awesome...
lol 1:42 2 shots 4 kills lol
mine will be BLEP
Lol stickys
lol this is great...i love the idea and you exicuted it perfectly
how dose the ball geting to the end kill you?
why would it die? ODST will have forge aswell
nice map, i like the basketball net the best...
sweet map...i loved 1917...great idea for the trenches and stuff i never would have thought about that
ILL DOWNLOAD IT, ILL DOWNLOAD IT!!!.....wait wheres the link? oh i wonder how many downloads this guy will get with no link or pictures....i...
Best map ive seen all month, maybe even all year
nope thats the sandbox grid multiplyd
the aesthetics are very nice....most competitive maps dont realy have aesthetics, but u did this well, it kind of remindeds me of...
i think that modded maps are not aloud on forge i right? good use of smoke tho