Thanks for all the comments on the track. I would love to fix up the track but I've hit the object limit so if you guys can tell me what to delete...
Map name: Chronophobia Description: Chronophobia is the fear of time and perhaps it's not such an irrational fear as you might think. The year is...
Hey good job "q-tip" rofl. Like I said bfore probably one of my favorite race tracks. My favorite part is easily the jump and how smooth the...
Why do you call it a "Free er"? Oh and cool map and cool idea
This map looks good but in my opinion looks are only half the track. In order to make it's good map I would suggest making the track smoother and...
Delete the roof of the conveyer belt and you'll see. Just don't tell people on forge hub I want it to be a suprise. I just updated the track so...
Thanks for all the feedback! I am aware of the jumps problems I have tried to fix it but for some reason it doesn't work for some people. I don't...
Assembly Line is a covanent vehicle factory set before the end of the war. This map also boasts the very first conveyor belt in a track! So weave...
Yeah I know I just thought it might give the map an interesting touch.
That's true but once your up there there's no cover so you'll get shot off or fall off
Keep adding comments it helps me make the map better. Also, check out my race map The Wave and coming soon Assembly Line
Hello welcome to my page thank you for visiting
Looks a little bumpy but still looks like a decent track. The kill ball has no real purpose and is a little bright so I would delete it, but still...
K I'll see what I can do.
I would like more feedback so I can edit the track to make it better, so please comment. Also look for my new track Assembly Line the first race...
Actually I live in Arkansas I just thought it would be an intresting theme for a racetrack.
Map name: The Wave Description: This is one of my greatest creations. It includes camel humps, banked turns, great theming, and a really smooth...
Foundation v2 Description: This map is a amazingly good remake of the Halo 2 map Foundation. This map supports most of the Halo 2 game types...