The only problem I think of this is even though you block the towers off wont the annoying red blinking and sound still go?
Nice weapon layout, I like how you did the map also. This is the first MLG map that I've liked in Sandbox. Good Job 5/5
This map looks ok, considering I cannot do any better than that i give it a 3.5/5
Do you wana know how doognit makes these maps, its "Because hees doooooogniiiiiiit" (inside joke)
I like the 3rd one the best, the other ones look not as bad buy theyre ok.
is ti me or does it look like he has 3 eyes?
Looks really good, I like the lighting effect alot, 4.5/5
"Spit out your Stride gum already or we will find you....."
Really good 5/5, I also like the recon =]
Looks liek he has a boyle on his head lol
Cmon, keep going, this is fun, i'll make a hard one later
Ok, I added pictures and deleted the shield doors (exept the ones in the bases) If I get more complaints about camping ill take them out.
really dude, they're just screen shots. Just because they're not HD doesn't mean im "being lazy" You really ticked me off when you say im being...
I took the pictures with my capture card so i wouldn't ave to put them on my screen shot gallery on
Map Title: The Hotel SLOGAN/Become the terrorists, secret service, or the president Download Map Download Gametype Description: Ever wanted to...
Geomerging on cold storage is hard because even the slightest placement into the ground lags up the game sooooo much.
Map Title: Locked Storage (On Cold Storage) No more going through the middle, take one of four paths. Download Map Gametype: All Default...