This is not up to forge hub standards you must include pictures in your post. Upload them to your profile and go to
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This map does look like a pretty good map but as for gameplay it looks like sightlines are to big and the map seems to spread out. Other than...
It does look pretty good, and you did a good job with the interlocking and such, but i am not to sure the gameplay would be that great, seems to...
Gamertag : iTz Amplifiied ( it has two i's after the F)
Dude this is awesome! It has great interlocking and map idea. For some reason it just looks like it should be a map played in matchmaking, well in...
need help Hello all, I am in need of a Forger who really knows how to build on sandbox. I need someone to do one simple, (but at the same time...
By the Way bobsagetismyhro I really like the preview for your Valsanic map looks like my kind of map !
If you could send me a link when your finished that would be great :)
I would just like made on a Canvas, thanks.
I would like it curved much like that and yes, relitivley in the middle. thanks.
Hello all, I am in need of a Forger who really knows how to build on sandbox. I need someone to do one simple, (but at the same time...
nice map! like the smooth interlocking and the gameplay gave me hours of fun. One problem though, some people are @$$holes and think its funny to...
I have seen your original map on foundry and I honestly have to say this map was a big "ENHANCEMENT." Everything seems to have a much cleaner...