Definately upload some pics!!! That way we can get an idea of what your map should be called. And by the way, I have never heard of a map called...
Not my school!!!! It's filled with gays!!!! I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't fallen to this surge of friken retardedness!!! Everyone is...
Out of all the forms you mentioned democracy is still the most effective. It actually creates a balance among the government which gives none of...
It looks really neat and it doesn't need to be tested if it is just a switch map. Just make sure it works. Because that would suck if you posted...
Although I don't like using it, rushing really does work. Also I noticed when your are playing as the prophet and you use their special attack to...
M3h its okay I guess. I get the point but I mean come on. It is really kind-of a stupid topic because its just so plain. Simple yet boring to look...
Yeah I noticed this too in matchmaking yesterday. Bungie sure does seem to pull it's share of pranks. And askthetik, you do realize a thread about...
I can tell you put a lot of time into this map. It was incredibly smooth to ride on and works great with racetracks and battletracks.Great job on...
This idea is incredible!!!! You really created a working system and everyone applauds you for it. This switch would really work for an infection...
This is really funny ROFL!!!! It really lookes like the elite just bent over and started sobbing!!!! Good job! 5/5
I actually disagree with you moshmonkey. See most pictures have a spartan or elite or something as a main subject. What darkfalcon did was make a...
The gameplay is centered in the main structure of the map. But what about the bottom floor in between the structures around the map. I don't know...
Considering you made it in one day and you did no interlocking I can tell you didn't put much effort into this map. Maybe you would want to make a...
I dont even like having that many people in one game it gets really laggy and overcrowded. But if I did, I would totally play some infection or...
What u said Jelleh I would rather not get raped. And this joke has gone far enough. FH better be back up because that would really suck for it to...
Since I got my 360 for christmas, I got like 4 other games at the same time. I got halo 3, beautiful katamari, GH 3, and tony hawk project 8. I...
I guess I am ashamed to like mario kart and legend of zelda for the wii. Those games are really awesome. Especially zelda which took me like a...
My school pulled a prank on us today. During the morning announcements they started rambling on about how from now on the girls must always wear...
I would have to say touchgrind. That game is really addicting. But I cannot seem to get the new board that came wiht the update. Also jellycar,...
Welcome to FH!!!! Im glad to see you read the rules already. I know I didn't even look at the rules until was almost at warned status.