So what evidence is there that these guys are actually the real terrorists?
There was already an entire discussion on global warming in this forum, just search it, there's actually a lot of sources and information in it....
And most people that died from swine flu also had an underlying medical condition.
I found an interesting article on the internet, it's worth reading: Genetically Engineered Flu: Swine Flu Genetically Engineered Flu? : Salt...
I already got it, some people joined my party a few minutes after the original post.
I have 2 people already, I just need 2 more for 4-player co-op legendary to get the achievement. Add my gamer tag Twinbird24 and ill invite you to...
Swine flue and "normal" flue have similar symptoms but its more likely you would catch the regular flu (an estimated 36000 people die yearly from...
Those movies are science-fiction and not real life examples. You're right but the main argument is what happens to our conscience after death,...
I think you always dream, but usually you forget what your dream was about when you wake up. Some dreams are also just memories of the day - you...
Did nano-thermite take down the WTC? | Politics from 2009-07-09 | RT It seems more and more evidence is arising which contradicts what is shown...
*Edited sorry
USA's intelligence reports at the time depicted a Japan weakened by years of war in Asia abroad and firebombing by the US. They were going to...
It's very difficult to persuade someone through an internet forum. Persuasion is seen by some people as an art. You can't simply tell someone what...
Many people believe Hell is a physical place where you burn and are tortured while Heaven is a beautiful paradise; they are metaphors that...
PW Singer on military robots and the future of war
Many of you have probably heard of the pirate hijackings taking place off the shore of Somalia. The question is, are these pirates actually...
How could you guys be so ignorant? This is why our world is dieing, because you don't care for the environment around you, those frogs are living...
We've been coexisting fine so far, except for the weeds in my yard - we are in direct conflict with each other.
I agree, humans are valuable and priceless, why not take advantage of the incredible technology we have and not risk lives while doing something...
But there is still no proof that there actually is life on any of those planets. You believe in aliens, I believe in God. And I did not say that...