Well hubbers, he left yesterday morning. I guess I'll have to finish up his projects...well, no, never mind. Not only could my big bro forge...
What is the best Halo: Reach Pre-Order deal? I see most of them include the recon helmet and a $20 gift card, but gamestop's includes extra armor.
Well that guide doesn't help me. I need to add another fan without uninstalling the old one. Like this?. Not following you on the parallel...
Is there a way to install more than case fan? I took an "older out-of-warranty" xbox and hacked a spot for a plexiglass window on top. It had...
Too bad they all support a native resolution of 20x10. Here it is. [IMG] The NEC isn't the brand name, it says Magoogly on the lower right...
My HANNSG monitor died on me last week for the second time. I'm tired of dealing with it, and will probably just buy a new one. Any recommendations?
Cargo: FLash Related Crap Destination: G&A Section Thanks. I found dem. Kongregate Labs They look good.
Nice. Anyone have any experience with apple apps?
I figured it would take a few months. Do you know what code they use, or what the standard code is? I'm checking out some forums now...
I decided to learn how to script this summer, with the ultimate goal of creating a flash game. As of now, I have HTML down pretty good, and will...
Solid State memory is sweet, but highly expensive...250GB is priced out at $660+ on newegg.
Alright, after the xbox was off for a while it disappeared. Gosh dang mods.
I was playing MW2 today and was trying to find a match. I went to my recent players and joined one thinking I was going to get into a match....
Fuel is amazing. Nice lighting and buildings. Trailer park looks like the ultimate in SPAS frustration, and carnival looks like some seriously fun...
I haven't played the wraith version yet. The warthog version was very fun. Congrats on teh premiumz.
All I want from Treyarch is a arcade style shooter like **** Zombies...if they were smart they would actually make it for the arcade. However, I'm...
Who ditched school to play the beta? I didn't personally, but I have friends that did.
To an extent. Oh well, I got my answer.
...and I can't download (The beta for those of you with down syndrome). Is the download not available yet?