yes i have hdtv cables. Also someone else told me that i should buy VGA cables. Will those cables fix the delay?
I previously had gotten an hdtv, and when im playing my xbox, there is a delay that makes things happen later than they should. Does anybody...
Thanks guys. Im gonna go out tomorrow and buy a one month. Ill come back if it doesnt let me.
Im not sure if this the right place for this but.. I was using a credit card on my account then my mom canceled it. After I was getting messages...
Hey I haven't been on this site for a while and I've been trying to create another map before reach beta comes out. [IMG] Im going for a big...
Ya I do that to incase I forget to undo some of the spawn settings from no to yes. Also a habbit In ignite I dont think you can see purple to...
It looks really cool. Does it play simular to the original amplified? Also if it plays better I hope it gets into mlg. The middle looks like it...
So what you guys are saying is, unless you dont have an ethernet cable you can't lan?
Hey guys just wondering how far would people be able to connect with eachother with LAN? Because me and my friend live like a block away (1 minute...
Hey I had read your tuturial on advanced oln interlocking and i'd like to know how and what would happen if u hit the budget glitch it would be...
Ok i switched the brute shot with a plasma pistol. Thanks for telling me that. The flags spawn on the back of the bases, and so are the starting...
Internal [IMG] Made By: KILLn Machine12 Supported gametypes: team slayer, team king, team flag, team ball, ffa Recommended players: 2-6...
no its not just one room, theres two rooms (bases) then the rest of the map that connects each of them.. Its a medium sized map.
Here is a nice clip I got in mlg. Just for you: :) : Halo 3 File Details Description: one shoot nocope spawnkill dublekill, then...
This map supports ts, flag and koth. It is inspired by the inside of rats rest. It plays great for all playlists. Not that much Los, which is...
Ya I'm always finding little kids that think they're cool and wanna swear and scream.. I remember before in mlg when you didnt have boosters,...
Sentinel map name: Sentinel Description: an ffa map based on a sentinel in the middle. link to original...
Ya i've noticed that to. Maybe you can keep deleting and spawning that object until it is what you want it. Same thing with the tube colors on...
Ya i think u should buy it because you get 24 files for 12 months and you can render your clips on --> (if you dont have a capture...
In the First runners-up, those two maps.. does that mean we've decided to have those maps because it didnt have them in the poll. So we...