alright its fun, but you didnt think of the gametype. theres been a map like this already called NIGHT and a gametype for it called STALKERS and...
this looks like a fun racing map but its way more challenging than usual and lots of people will fall on the pallet portion of it; also more...
wow... thx a lot i had this idea first except i need to finish it and its different; i used what you called the loft area but my maps way better...
...first! i would like to explain that you need at least two embedded pictures and even more would help if u want to show it off for people to...
well this looks like a fun map but it doesnt look like u interlocked a lot in the tunnels and the top section needs some more ledges and barriers...
first off congrats on the feature cause this map deffinately deserves it with all of its absolutely outstanding interlocking; above that with all...
probably the best map on ghost town til i release mine and also this is tied in my ranks with landing pad for the best crazy king map ever;...
this reminds me of a map from gears 2; the middle area looks like a sick sniping post; good job making bases in the little areas on the sides...
cool map with lots of tunnels and ledges but for one thing wrong with it u said its good for slayer but this looks like itd be a cool maze or...
greta map and i love maps off of foundry especially on ghost town and im releasing a mpa on it soon but also ur map has great fusing and bases...
nice geomerging and bases but id like to point out that u geomerged a movable object (gravlift) underneath the map instead of puting it in the...
well this map is simple but it looks fun with the bases with ramps and ledges; using the man canon room with little ledges was cool; the bad part...
ok well i dont really know which one to comment on but all three look good but i think ill only be DLing the one of blackout and avalance cause i...
first off welcome to forge hub; the pics are hard to see first off but this looks like a good map that doesnt use boxes or crates and is over or...
this amp looks wicked; with an outside section and an outside section this map looks fun with nice geomerging and fusing; the curved walls with...
ncie draw up of the map and the map itself is awesome with neat geomerging and fusing; the buildings are cool with the fused walls as barriers and...
ok first off i hate when people do this and u will also receive an infraction from a moderator soon probably on to the map, this looks like a...
pretty sick map; the structures u created are neat and awesome (ex: the room of bridges with tunnels underneath that you can fall into from the...
the lily pads are a cool replacement for a ramp or stairs and the merging is good ( especially on the mama oracle lol)the ledges around the side...
wow dude ur no noob forger this is fun and im DLing it right now; great idea of pirate ships and the destroyable gangplanks are cool; some fusing...