This is by far one of the cooolest maps i have ever seen and is a staple of my map collection. Please keep up the good work and i think this map...
I think the post above mine best explains it, but you have to know that ghost merging is a fairly new technique that stills has many unknown...
I like the cowboy pic very much and i wanted to know how you did the third eye pic.
Tried embedding it with photobucket
This is a screenshot a made a while back and thought it was pretty cool so i decided to show it to u guys and to see what you all think. [IMG]...
Great job i have only downloaded the first course but i am looking forward to getting good enough to play the final course on sandbox...btw good...
Did u use ghost merging?... Looks like it will be an epic battle when i get some of my friends together and test this sucker out!!...great job the...
Sounds great for big games...maybe with ur ghost merging skills make some sweet aesthetics in the main room...besides that sounds super original.
Remarkable job this looks like an absolutely amazing objective map...also ur ability to make a warthog to seem useless...yes i've played a couple...
Looks like it is well constructed and planned out, however I've never played a jump map so hopefully this will spark my intrest it them
I am always looking for good casual slayer matches and this looks like a wonderful example...keep up the good work!
Looks fun i'll dl when my hard drive is not as full... Quick question is there a roof to the second floor?
Just played a quick game on this map and i have to say i enjoyed it alot. My only complaint is that you stacked way to many power weapons at the...
nah 3 min. but i bet i can get another person 2 join ur team
Im just sayin that if we dont have at least 2 more people im gonna have 2 cancel it cause 3v3 is min. and right now we only have 4 so invite ur...
click on the link in my sig
I am going to host a custom games session tonight at about 8:00 eastern time and am wondering how many of you will come. If you are interested...
Great asthetics, I will definetly dl and play a few rounds
I think this is a brilliantly built map but the layout us not conquest, so it will never be able to be an approved map on my conquest group.
It is good that you stated it wasn't a traditional conquest, and how did you make the jail bars