For all you star wars fans i have created an enjoyable map and game. Link to map The Leer is a Unknown siths ship and is to be played on the...
Omg ki your pretty good sniper you should go against my friend hes pretty damn good II ignorance II And about Shotty snipers, once i turned a...
Wow this is an awsome idea.
Yes yes puzzle maps are pretty fun. But for some reason there are jerks out there who are like: >:0 ZoMg somebody alrdy made a puzzle map YOU ARE...
Okay screenshots.
Well This is a map where you bomb the bridge. Heres the link to the map Bridge And heres a link for the game typeDemolition Screenshot. [img]...
Im not russian >.< If i was russian i would be a super genious and would be motivated to make a map. or i would be to drunk to make it XD
Well i dont have a problem with the color red. And i perfer blue. but i am white
Not quite recruiting Im looking for a challange, comrad.
So lately me and a few friends have been playing puzzle maps and we decided to make our own. We are trying to make it as original as possible. We...
So how did u make this work?
Well quite a while ago i discovered there is only 100 stuff ( pics, movies, clips, maps, and variants) you can save. Which is B$. I think we...
Haha thats funny I just said comrad because I felt like it. I'm 100% american and 100% republican :P
Hi I am partyhardydan aka Dan. I'm 16 and I am a Halo Fanboy along with M$ :P I'm creative in forge and i have an overactive imagination. Also i...