Love the picture! :D Craigs mom is hot! Lmao.
2 Bases floatinf in the air is way over used. Its unoriginal, and shouldnt be made anymore. Maybe try making more then 2 bases and yeahh. It would...
Hmmm. I like the color effect on the picture. 4.5/5
Hmm the last one is the best, but still they arent the beest. maybe a 2.5/5 for them. sorry. :(
My favorite is the Leaf Assassin. haha. Pretty cool shots.
Looks cool. But not much like a spider. I like the above screenshot of the map though. So ill say. 3.5/5
Very unoriginal. 2/5
Unique and original. I like it. 4/5
Hmm, not the best picture. But its sorta cool? Idk... maybe a 2.5 or 3/5
haha. that turrent dude is screwed. 4/5.
Looks awesome. Id sday a 4/5. =P
It was a game called Snugglers Run. It was a racing game, and I thought it was the worst game. But that was when i was like 7, so yeahh.... haha.
Ive had I think it was 52-7 in one game. But that was CoD4. So idk, if that changes the fact. haha
the map looks amazing. defenately downloading!
Not to be mean, but is this your first map? Its very sloppy. Try learning some new forge techniques! But yeahh, need alot of improvement. (This is...
excellent map. well designed
Awful map. Haha jk. You know I love it Pwny. =P But in all seriousness, the map is decent. Can be little bigger, and can use some walls. But its...
This map is actually a really fun map to play on. As you can see I was one of the ones to test play the map. The weapons are set up good, to make...