I'm not talking, I'm typing.
I'm talking about my Gaydar.
Gaydar is out of control!
Prepare to fight,fight,fight!
I choose you Pikachu!
Don't want to be the very best?
I'm her Catch em' all!
ASH KETCHUM from pallet town, you?
The Halo Addiction - Home
This map is so beautiful! I usually say that about Halo 3 custom made maps. So congratulations!
the dude under me totally stole my comment
yea boooiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!
You have been warned, mwhahahah! XD
My Skype name is; IRONSKULLsACCOUTANT. I made it when I was in BWO, I am Trying to make a website. I am in a Clan named FSC and we use Skype...
"Sonic Revival" on Sega SuperStar Tennis You must unlock Shadow. By going through a series of levels over and over and over and over again.
Not to be like the others, but they are right, It is mostly just a picture of flaming recon. Maybe you could've gotten a comedic picture when...
Personally I think they're great, I wear Security and each time I take a screenshot, I love it. Good Job, 4.5/5