The title pretty much says it all. More specifically I would like 1. A link to somewhere showing me how to embed pictures...
Im srry this isnt about halo 3 but i couldnt place it anywhere else. I have been having trouble figuring out how to put spore gameplay onto...
I was just wondering what type of maps you guys like to see in forge.
Thank you brain edge you obvioulsy read what I typed
The Portal First of all this map supports more of a infection map. Second of all nobody on here comment on how I don't say were to go or that I...
While I was in the middle of making a map I am actually spending time on, I was starting to worry about my map. I really have no idea what people...
Quiggle Zombies Here is the story. You were playing around at the old Military outpost, and you think you see something in the distance. As you...
How do you embbed photos I uploaded them on imageshack so now wat
Dude I really need your help on posting the pictures all i have on there is the download
Will sombody plz help me I dont no how to do this help
Quiggle Fort This map is basically two main buildings filled with...